Secrets of Achieving Motivation, Initiative, and Leadership

A Seminar and Workshop in One

The first full day of this course reveals the Ten Secrets and covers the three critical dimensions for personal and professional success:

  • Motivation
  • Initiative
  • Leadership

It is followed by a half-day Best Practices Workshop in which the revealed Ten Secrets are applied to your particular workplace.

The course includes a laminated take-away tips card, a handy reference for participants to keep that distills the core “Secrets” to apply in each dimension.

Course Author and Instructor

Darcie Kortan is a dynamic instructor who has worked in marketing and branding for over 15 years. She has designed and taught business communications courses for top universities and companies, including UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business, IBM, the World Bank, and the International Finance Corporation.

Motivation Killers

Does your organization suffer from these motivation-killers?

  • Mistrust
  • “That’s not my job!”
  • Second-guessing yourself and others
  • Gossip
  • Cynicism
  • Withholding information and help
  • Doing the bare minimum
  • Tallying of efforts (“I work harder than she does”)
  • Lack of interest in stretching for new skills
  • Hesitance to learn and grow
  • Avoiding risk of any kind ™ Waiting for others to fix it
  • Watching to see if others fail

Stop the Motivation Killers

Secrets of Achieving Motivation, Initiative, and Leadership teaches participants how to create a universally motivating work environment. The bottom line of this course is this: If you are inspired to do your best work, you will enjoy it and be successful! The Secrets revealed in this course enable participants to connect with the needs and principles deep at their core to get inspired, stay inspired, and inspire others at work.

Not All Motivators are Equal

While some seminars focus only on practical tips and how to apply them on the job, this course does this and more. It presents evidence from the field of psychology on what type of motivation works best for people. While some types of motivators may work well on the surface, they leave people feeling manipulated and not respected. The research shows that motivators that make people feel respected and empowered generate the best outcomes, increasing:

  • Interest in going to work even when you don’t “have to.”
  • Desire to do more than the required minimum
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Creativity
  • Overall job performance
  • Amount of knowledge absorbed ™ Amount of knowledge retained
  • Enjoyment!

Yes, One Course Fits All

These outcomes are benefits to both management and staff. Because the Secrets are based in research on human behavior, each Secret is just as applicable to the manager, the Vice President, and the CEO as it is to the temp or the secretary.

This training is not a boring set of low-level skills “just for staff,” but an eye-opening seminar that presents a new way to look at the organization at all levels. And when upper management takes the same training, it sends a valuable message to all employees of equality, shared responsibility, and teamwork.

Ten Secrets to Achieve Motivation, Initiative, and Leadership (one day)

Part I: Increasing Motivation

The Experiment. Students learn what psychologists have discovered over the past 40 years about human motivation, and are convinced by the results of a recreated experiment.

Whole-Body Intelligence. While most of us focus on “thinking with our head,” this is not the most intelligent way to access what motivates you. Students learn to access whole-body intelligence when identifying what their true “operating motivation” toward any goal might be.

Three Critical Factors.  Students learn the three critical factors that are necessary for anyone’s motivation to lead to healthy and sustainable success at work. Through interactive scenario Secrets 1 through 3 of the Ten Secrets are revealed.

Part II: Taking Initiative

Taking initiative means going above and beyond your job description. It also means solving a problem or improving the status quo.

Secrets 4 through 7 of the Ten Secrets empower students to move beyond petty in-fighting and unproductive clock-watching to get done what they and their team need to do—and feel good about it.

Part III: Successful Leadership

Mahatma Ghandi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Students learn through role played scenarios that the inner work they do for personal growth is the foundation for becoming a better leader—and that leaders are found not only in the corner office.

Secrets 8 through 10 of the Ten Secrets reveal strategies to minimize myopic vision, focus on common goals on the team and in the organization, and buoy the motivation of everyone around them.

Five Secrets to  Revise Your Motivation &  Best Practices Workshop  (half-day)

Participants have the opportunity to take an in-depth look at a personal goal that they have been struggling to meet. They learn to apply the Five Secrets to Revise Your Motivation to recharge their motivation with the critical factors that work.

The Best Practices Workshop helps the group identify real issues at work and to apply the Ten Secrets to create concrete strategies to solve problems on their own. Management will receive a report of the solutions identified a week after the session.

Customize for your Workplace

The course is available in two format options. The first is a generic version that reflects the business world. For a fee, the second option offers customized scenarios and examples to reflect your workplace or an upper tier of the organization.

Special Note

Secrets of Achieving Motivation, Initiative, and Leadership builds on the Secrets students have already learned in the Whelan Group’s foundational course, Secrets of High-Performance Teams. Throughout the course, students get a periodic refresher with a “Teaming Skills Review.”

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Business Communications Seminar


  • ● The World Bank
  • ● Apple
  • ● United Nations
  • ● UC Berkeley Haas School of Business
  • ● International Finance Corporation
  • ● National Institutes of Health

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